Our Impact

Our qualified youth workers and mentors are proud to stand alongside over 20,000 boys and young men in over 150 schools across NSW and QLD.



boys and young men mentored


mentoring programs delivered


schools and organisations across Australia

What they said…

Hear stories from Top Blokes graduates.

Our Outcomes

A three year EY social impact evaluation study discovered that:


Lower detention and suspension rates

The Top Blokes program helps increase a young man’s attendance at school and reduces the rate of detention and suspension, in some cases between 20-100%.

Reduced costs for schools

Schools save on average $33k in avoided time spent while the boys are in the program and an additional $20k in avoided time spent post-program.

Better education outcomes and life skills

One in two boys improved their academic performance after participating in the program.


4x better off

Young males are four times better off experiencing the Top Blokes program and having a mentor than young males who don’t have a mentor.

Improved mental health

53% improved their personal wellbeing with high improvements in dealing with problems, confidence, interest in talking to people and feeling good about themselves.

Lower antisocial behaviour

38% noted a decrease in antisocial behaviour driven by a strong reduction in getting in trouble in and outside of school.

You Said…

To be a Top Bloke means a lot. You learn and grow as a male; you learn to control your mental health state. It’s helped me cope with things and be more open about my problems. I’d recommend it to other schools. It’s an amazing program because it’s helped me and other kids.

Top Blokes participant

Top Blokes has helped me mentally and physically. It’s made me better at dealing with peer pressure and helped me to be an upstander.

Top Blokes participant

There is a level of maturity that was not present before. Many of our students that stuck with the program are less reactive and more thoughtful about their interactions. They are also more aware of respectful relationships between genders than they were previously. Our students are interacting with a lot more maturity than they did prior to the program.


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